28 January

NSW Attendance rules, NSW Australia School Attendance rules   Marking attendance is a necessary daily task in all schools.  Whether teachers are performing it manually, an automatic key card system is installed, or students are learning to mark themselves present via other interactive means, attendance must be marked, recorded, verified and stored. Non-attendance must be […]

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12 January

Australia School Administration Software providers 2021   Having a solid and reliable Administration system at the heart of our school is more important in 2021 than maybe it ever has been, allowing reliable communication and record-keeping with your whole school community. Below is a list of just some of the current providers looking after school […]

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07 January

7 Emerging School Education Software Trends in 2021   Progressive School software vendors are in a Perpetual development cycle to meet the emerging trends in schools as schools themselves, are under pressure to keep up with ever-changing reporting and learning environments. Some of the growing trends in school management software and school learning environments face […]

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